Importance of plastic pallets in the supply chain industry!

90% of the shippers’ would choose plastic pallets!

The first thought that comes to the mind while trying to compare and evaluate the options that one has is cost, quality, and durability. The price of plastic pallets when they are compared to the wooden ones is drastically high, approximately three times more than more elevated than a conventional wooden pallet. However, the cost of the pallet is not considered as the priority when the parameters of quality and re usability go high. This is the primary reason why plastic pallets are preferred. Not just that, they are reusable and better in variety, but it is also backed up by the fact that plastic pallets are easy to clean and maintain. They are durable and safer to use as they do not involve any joints. Therefore, there is no use of splinters when the talk is about the plastic pallets. Wood remains to be the most popular material for the pallets because it has been in use for very long. However, as look around in the current era, we see that the circular and closed economy pattern is being followed by many organizations.

Advantages of plastic pallets

Cost aside, plastic pallets provide a reasonable boost towards several similar benefits. Plastic pallets suppliers are most likely to brag about the following primary benefits
  1. They are durable and long-lasting
  2. They have considerable longevity backed up with essential cost-effectiveness in a more extended period
  3. They save the cost of heating the enclosed entity since they are primary insulator of bugs
  4. They are environmental insulators
  5. They are comparatively light-weighted
  6. They are more comfortable and safer to handle
  7. They are more reliable as compared to wooden pallets because they are non-inclusive of any adjacent materials such as splinters, nails and likewise
  8. They are weather-resistant and more comfortable to store and maintain regarding hygiene
  9. They can be cleaned easily since the dirt and pollutants stay on the surface
  10. They are recyclable and reusable
